
From Human Error to Efficient Inventory: Strategies to Prevent Unwanted Stock Accumulation 

Unwanted stocks in inventory refer to excess or duplicate items that a company holds, which

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Supply chain
Protect Your Supply Chain: A Guide to Supplier Risk Management

Businesses around the globe are under constant scrutiny over the suppliers/third parties they partner. The

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Transforming Asset Management Harnessing the Potential of IIoT for a Future Revolution
Transforming Asset Management Harnessing the Potential of IIoT for a Future Revolution

Asset management is a systematic process of developing, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of assets

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Unlocking the Power of Data Enrichment in the Procurement Process
Unlocking the Power of Data Enrichment in the Procurement Process

In today’s highly competitive business environment, data has emerged as a critical asset that drives

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Revolutionizing inventory data with artificial intelligence
Revolutionizing inventory data with artificial intelligence

Inventory management plays an important role in ensuring smooth operations and maximizing profitability in today’s

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Understanding the Critical Need for Regular Data Cleansing
Understanding the Critical Need for Regular Data Cleansing

In the realm of MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Operations) terms, data cleansing serves as a

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Wrench Time & Asset Management System
Data Governance Program in Improving and Enhancing Wrench Time & Asset Management System

WHAT IS WRENCH TIME: The amount of time a maintenance specialist spends working on equipment

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Procurement expediting
How Expediting in Procurement Can Optimize Cost

WHY EXPEDITING: To ensure the high quality and prompt delivery of products and components, expediting

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Asset Lifecycle Management
Asset Lifecycle Management: Six levels And Best Practices

What is an Asset? Any helpful or valuable product, person, or number is referred to

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MRO data excellence
The High Cost of Low-Quality Data: It’s time to think of your Organizational Data Excellence 

Lack of quality data is a common challenge that companies face in today’s business world.

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